DFU Mode on iPhone

Sometimes when you want to restore iPhone device firmware using iTunes, you need to put your iPhone device into Recovery Mode. But ifrecovery mode doesn’t work for your Apple device, so you could not restore you iPhone, then you need to Put your iPhone in DFU Mode. Below is a how to enter iPhone in DFU Mode in order to restore it's firmware.

DFU stands for Device Firmware Update. Unlike Recovery Mode, DFU Modedoesn’t load the iPhone firmware (iOS) that is currently installed before restore attempt. DFU mode is considered as a last resort to restore if a restore using Recovery Mode doesn’t work and you are getting error while restoring you iPhone device.

Then, how to enter the DFU mode on iPhone device? Below are three step to Enter DFU mode on iPhone devices:

Step 1
Open your iTunes application and connect the iPhone device via USB port.

Step 2
Press and hold the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button on iPhone at the same time.

Step 3
Continue holding the both buttons for exact 10 seconds, then release the Sleep/Wake button. Just keep holding the Home button until iTunes pops-up that it has found an iPhone in Recovery Mode and iTunes give you the option to restore your iPhone. 

If iTunes doesn't detect iPhone device, try the process again.

Then the iPhone screen must display nothing and go blank.

Often it may take a few attempts to get iPhone devices into DFU mode. Use your feeling to hold down both buttons then release the Wake/Sleepbutton just before you think the Apple logo would appear. If you are still holding both Home + Wake/Sleep buttons and you see the Apple logo, then you are holding them down too long.

An additional options that can be tried if having trouble in getting iTunes to detect iPhone device: 
1) Try unplugging the USB cable then try different USB port, 
2) Restart computer and try again, 
3) Try different data cables for iPhone device to PC connection.